Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
Pekabo engkome sekalian?? Harapnye sihat le yob!! Aku baru je interview dengan PETRONAS atau dalam nama yang lebih glamour, 'PETRONAS Structured Interview'. Interview aku ni berlangsung pada hari selasa lepas (18 Jun 2013) kat Pacific Regency Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Untuk entri kali ni, aku nk share sikit-sikit la input yang aku dapat sepanjang SI nieh. Aku harap dapat membantu engkome sekalian terutamanya pada yang masih dalam persediaan menunggu panggilan SI.
Hampa suma jangan ghisau. Aku cuba explain sehabis daya tuk hampa paham the whole storyline of this interview. Mungkin details yang aku cuba sampaikan xsama dengan apa yang hampa bakal lalui nanti. But at least, leh prepare pe yang patut kan?? Kalu hampa ada doubt kat mana-mana, mohon utarakan di ruangan komen. Mana la tau, aku leh tolg hampa.
Basically, SI ni terbahagi kepada 3 parts/stages:
Hampa suma jangan ghisau. Aku cuba explain sehabis daya tuk hampa paham the whole storyline of this interview. Mungkin details yang aku cuba sampaikan xsama dengan apa yang hampa bakal lalui nanti. But at least, leh prepare pe yang patut kan?? Kalu hampa ada doubt kat mana-mana, mohon utarakan di ruangan komen. Mana la tau, aku leh tolg hampa.
Basically, SI ni terbahagi kepada 3 parts/stages:
1. Case Study (Individual)
2. Role Play (Group)
3. Behavioral Interview (Individual)
2. Role Play (Group)
3. Behavioral Interview (Individual)
Sebelum memulakan case study, 8 orang daripada kami dibahagikan kepada 2 kumpulan. Setiap kumpulan diberikan case study yang berbeza. Interviewee diberi masa selama 30 minit untuk memahami serta menginterpretasi a half A4 paged article. Satu soalan berkaitan dengan artikel akan guide hampa semasa pengolahan isi.
Group A: "Leaner or Meaner"...Makin longgar or makin tegas (decision making).
Group B: "Cleaning Up"..........Global Warming and Air Pollution.
Selepas 30 minit, kedua-dua group dipindahkan ke dalam dua bilik yang berbeza. Interviewee akan ditempatkan pada satu meja bulat yang terletak di tengah-tengah bilik tersebut. Enam accessor akan memerhatikan segenap tingkah laku interviewee dalam tiga penjuru yang berbeza. Haih, payah ngat tulih ayat nieh...aku bagi hampa gambaq la senang cita. Puih~~
Selepas brief intro daripada accessor, interviewee diberi masa selama tujuh minit untuk intro diri (nama, kos pe, asal mana) dan seterusnya memberikan ulasan panjang lebar mengenai case study berkenaan. Reminder dua minit akan diberikan sekiranya hampa bercakap xhenti-henti :P
Tips Abam DiDiY~~
Sebelum Perbincangan...
* Lek lu, tarik nafas panjang-panjang.
Actually, lepas je abis case study leh terus start role play kat bilik yang sama. Tapi, ade sedikit kelonggaran. Let say hampa nk terkucil ke pe, boleh la berpusu-pusu ke
Interviewee diberi masa selama lebih kurang lima minit untuk discuss and pilih role masing-masing. Masa aku interview aritu, ade tujuh role yang ditawarkan, tapi leh pilih satu je. Pas dah pilih role tu, boleh la terus mulakan perbincangan. Hampa diberi masa selama 30 minit tuk utarakan pendapat serta idea hampa. Semasa perbincangan, hampa leh cakap either in BM or BI. It doesn't matter. As long as the idea is deliver. Aku aritu kene fully speaks in English la sebab ade sorang Egyptian dalam group. Kang dia ternganga plak, payah!!
Continuation of the discussion is the key at this stage. Make sure everyone speaks and don't talk too much. Pass the conversation to others and don't be selfish. Ala, sebijik cam MUET. Reminder will be announce in the last 3-5 minutes.
Lepas abis role play, mungkin ade hi-tea sikit. Pastu baru start final stage ni.
Behavioral Interview adalah interview secara face-to-face. Basically ko akan face tiga orang accessor dalam bilik tuh. Dua orang kat depan, sembang dengan ko. Sorang lagi kat belakang, study ko punya body language (ini assumption je brader).
Well, the conversation will start with an ice-breaking session. Then, pengalaman peribadi pula dipersoal. Berikut adalah soalan-soalan yang ditanya kepada aku aritu (ape yang aku ingat je la brader) :-
i. Tell us more about yourself :-
*Personal details
*Educational Background
ii. How do you find yourself in the next five years?
iii. Tell us your biggest strength and weakness.
iv. What project have you really involved directly? Are you the leader or just a follower of that project?
v. Have you been a leader? As a leader, what didchudo? Have you encounter crucial situation? How do you handle that crucial situation?
vi. Are you ready to learn new things?
vii. If your boss wants you to handle a big project which does not related to your specialty, would you accept?
viii. Which place would you prefer to work in PETRONAS?
ix. If we send you oversea, would you go?
Tiada had masa untuk stage nieh. But for the record, the fastest is half an hour and the longest is one and a half hours. Hampa leh cakap either in BM or BI. Nak rojak pun xde hal la. Untuk experience based question, hampa leh goreng pape je pengalaman peribadi yang pernah hampa lalui. BUT BEWARE!! Jangan cerita sesuatu yang hampa xpernah buat. Dikhabarkan accessor ni dah dilatih untuk detect whether hampa menipu or tak.
Segala yang baik itu daripada ALLAH, yang buruk itu khilaf abam sendiri...
Suke akan entri ini?? Cer like sikit :)
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Lebih kurang camni la susunannya aritu |
Tips Abam DiDiY~~
Sebelum Perbincangan...
* Lek lu, tarik nafas panjang-panjang.
* Baca artikel dan soalan betul-betul. Tak faham, tanya je.
* Jot down apa sahaja yang bermain di fikiran semasa membaca artikel.
* Susun isi tu kasi kemas sikit.
* Fluentness of idea is important <--- yang ni memerlukan pengalaman.
* Masukkan idea-idea yang tidak terdapat dalam artikel.
Semasa Perbincangan...
Semasa Perbincangan...
* Jangan menulis semasa sahabat yang lain sedang bercakap.
* Fokus kepada presentation. Ingat!! Anda sentiasa diperhati.
* Jangan tulis pape kat kertas soalan. (Ade note kat bawah kertas...huhuhu)
* Jangan tulis pape kat kertas soalan. (Ade note kat bawah kertas...huhuhu)
Actually, lepas je abis case study leh terus start role play kat bilik yang sama. Tapi, ade sedikit kelonggaran. Let say hampa nk terkucil ke pe, boleh la berpusu-pusu ke
Interviewee diberi masa selama lebih kurang lima minit untuk discuss and pilih role masing-masing. Masa aku interview aritu, ade tujuh role yang ditawarkan, tapi leh pilih satu je. Pas dah pilih role tu, boleh la terus mulakan perbincangan. Hampa diberi masa selama 30 minit tuk utarakan pendapat serta idea hampa. Semasa perbincangan, hampa leh cakap either in BM or BI. It doesn't matter. As long as the idea is deliver. Aku aritu kene fully speaks in English la sebab ade sorang Egyptian dalam group. Kang dia ternganga plak, payah!!
Continuation of the discussion is the key at this stage. Make sure everyone speaks and don't talk too much. Pass the conversation to others and don't be selfish. Ala, sebijik cam MUET. Reminder will be announce in the last 3-5 minutes.
Tips Abam DiDiY~~
* Kalau xnak kene hentam kuat. Jangan amik government as the role play. (Kalu ade)
* Kalau suke hentam orang. Amik consumer as the role play. (Kalu ade)
* Cakap je apa yang terlintas di fikiran.
* Jangan cakap sorang-sorang...pas kat kengkawan yang lain jugak.
* Hidupkan perbincangan dengan lawak jenaka selamba badak.
* Interrupt je bila xpuas hati dengan idea orang lain...BUT JANGAN LUPA ADAB!!
Lepas abis role play, mungkin ade hi-tea sikit. Pastu baru start final stage ni.
Behavioral Interview adalah interview secara face-to-face. Basically ko akan face tiga orang accessor dalam bilik tuh. Dua orang kat depan, sembang dengan ko. Sorang lagi kat belakang, study ko punya body language (ini assumption je brader).
Well, the conversation will start with an ice-breaking session. Then, pengalaman peribadi pula dipersoal. Berikut adalah soalan-soalan yang ditanya kepada aku aritu (ape yang aku ingat je la brader) :-
i. Tell us more about yourself :-
*Personal details
*Educational Background
ii. How do you find yourself in the next five years?
iii. Tell us your biggest strength and weakness.
iv. What project have you really involved directly? Are you the leader or just a follower of that project?
v. Have you been a leader? As a leader, what didchudo? Have you encounter crucial situation? How do you handle that crucial situation?
vi. Are you ready to learn new things?
vii. If your boss wants you to handle a big project which does not related to your specialty, would you accept?
viii. Which place would you prefer to work in PETRONAS?
ix. If we send you oversea, would you go?
Tiada had masa untuk stage nieh. But for the record, the fastest is half an hour and the longest is one and a half hours. Hampa leh cakap either in BM or BI. Nak rojak pun xde hal la. Untuk experience based question, hampa leh goreng pape je pengalaman peribadi yang pernah hampa lalui. BUT BEWARE!! Jangan cerita sesuatu yang hampa xpernah buat. Dikhabarkan accessor ni dah dilatih untuk detect whether hampa menipu or tak.
Tips Abam DiDiY~~
* Macam biasa, jangan gelabah xtentu hala.
* Jaga eye contact.
* Jangan menipu kalau korang xde experience.
* Be confident with your answer.
* Kalau xpaham soalan, mintak ulang balik soalan tuh.
* Jangan rush sangat nak jawab soalan, amik masa untuk interpret soalan tu dulu.
* If possible, organize your answer.
Fuh, aku harap entri kali ni dapat la memberi sedikit gambaran bagaimana ghupenye SI ni berlangsung. SI kali ni menggunakan sistem yang baru. Slightly less stressful then before, I think. So, gudluck to all future PETRONAS interviewee. I wish you all the best in your upcoming SI.
Fuh, aku harap entri kali ni dapat la memberi sedikit gambaran bagaimana ghupenye SI ni berlangsung. SI kali ni menggunakan sistem yang baru. Slightly less stressful then before, I think. So, gudluck to all future PETRONAS interviewee. I wish you all the best in your upcoming SI.
Segala yang baik itu daripada ALLAH, yang buruk itu khilaf abam sendiri...
Suke akan entri ini?? Cer like sikit :)
terbaik boss...terima kasih..
DeleteTerima kasih lawat blog teman..
agk2x kan berape chances utk lepas interview? ko rasa berape percent akan lepas? juz ask ur personal opinion..
DeleteAku secara peribadi xtau nak jawab dalam nombor.
DeleteBut if you keenly interested to know, I would say for fresh grad is plus minus 20%...
PETRONAS ade bnyk vacancies, new plant is in the corner...
But the thing is they seek for experience workers more than fresh grad...
Harap membantu :)
Hi Didiy, nak tanya skit..Didiy pelajar ke scholar utp ? Engineering ? Result dah keluar ke belum ? Kalau belum lagi rasanya bila ?
ReplyDeleteSy scholar, student utp, bakal engineer insyaALLAH.
DeleteResult belum keluar.
Dikhabarkan keluar dua minggu selepas abis final exam.
Owh yeke, bila final exam akan habis ? Sorry I pelajar universiti lain (bukan UTP-ian) . Mengucapkan all the best kepada Didiy ! Semoga berjaya mendapat kerja di Petronas.
DeleteOwh, no wonder...
DeleteFinal exam abis awal September...
Tengah bulan tu tau la kot...
Terima Kasih atas doa saudara/ri :)
I mean result Structured Interview...
ReplyDeleteSalam. Thanks for the helpful shared experience. nak tanya, how long kene tggu before petronas start utk panggil interview start dr applying the job?
ReplyDeletescholar or non scholar?
DeleteIt's actually depends. Ramai lagi kengkawan UTP yang tak dipanggil untuk interview. Sebab itulah entri ini disiapkan secepat mungkin.
Aku scholar, dan PETRONAS lebih mengutamakan scholar depa. Tapi dalam masa yang sama depa memerlukan experience worker.
Harap membantu...
owh, thanks.
Deletebut approximately how long tggu dia panggil?
amik eng ap?
Tunggu panggilan ni susah nk predict...
DeleteSebab ramai lagi kengkawan yang xtau bile diorang akan dipanggil...
Aku amik Meche...ko??
this entry is really really helpful..
Deletetq ca'er for this sharing.
hopefully u will be hired ad one of the staffs in PETRONAS
~cuak gak nama aku x naik2 lagi ni.. :p
Wah, thanks capik...
DeleteAku pun harap ko jugak dapat jadi staff PETRONAS... ^^V
Hi Didiy !
ReplyDeleteNak tanya, semasa structured interview ada tak dia tanya soalan pasal PETRONAS ? Atau diorg uji tahap pengetahuan kita terhadapa syarikat PETRONAS ?
Ermm...masa interview aritu dy xtny pulak...
DeleteMungkin dy lupa...
Mungkin dy xtny scholar...
Mungkin dy xtanya dak UTP...
Mungkin jugak dia xtny dak fresh grad...
So, susa nk cakap whether akan datang diorang tny ke x...
Harap membantu :)
Oooh..soalan terakhir : Semasa case study presentation...kita kena berdiri ke duduk belakang meja tuh semasa beri presentation ? Dia ada cakap ke..ada calon lain yang berdiri semasa cade study presentation. Also are we expected to look to the other calon and the assessor yang duduk di penjuru semasa case study presentation ? Also..kalau didiy tak keberatan..role play topic dia pasal apa yea ?
Delete- Masa present case study, duduk je. Just make eye contact...
Delete- Dy xcakap pape pasal sebelum ni ade yang berdiri ke pe...
- Bile dah start je presentation, diorg just jage mase je...
- Digalakkan untuk memberikan tumpuan semasa presentation. Pandang orang yang sedang present...
- Topik role play aku dah list kat atas...
Harap membantu :)
salam. hi diddy.
ReplyDeletejust wonder. brape minimum syarat cgpa in order layak for structured interview?
Dikhabarkan, setiap scholar yang mempunyai cgpa atas daripada 2.75 akan dipanggil untuk interview.
Delete::Terima Kasih Lawat Blog Teman::
hihi. alrite!~ thanks! :)
Deletewelcome :)
Deletethanks a lot for the post. pencerahan on the new format :)
Delete::Terima Kasih Lawat Blog Teman::
Tukar format la pulak..
ReplyDeleteBro tanya sikit, yg Case Study tu..kena buat presentation to the whole class ke? ke kita sorang2 present kat assessors?
present kat group sahaje...xperlu kepada accessors.
Deleteanggap accessors cam xde je...hehe
ReplyDeleteNak tanya. Awak cakap SI ni lain dgn yg dulu. Apa beza? Dulu tu bila? And dulu tu macam mana? Sorry banyak soalan tanya.
DeleteErmmmm...actually xbnyk yang bubah..
Cume dah xde role play pakai kad...
Aku pun xpaham sangat storyline dy (xde yg nk nulis kat blog)
Tapi, yg aku tau accessor akan bagi ko satu kad. Kat kad tuh ade bg satu situasi dan beberapa solution. Bile ko dah pilih solution, diorg akan pressure ko...uji tahap ketegasan ko membuat keputusan. Then, bile diorg puas hati, diorg akan bagi satu lagi kad. Bende ni akan berterusan sampai la ko xlarat nk berdebat dengan diorg. Lebih kurang la...
Neway, tny je...kalu leh jawab, aku jawab. Kalu xleh, mintak maap le yob!!
do u wear a blazer during your SI? so how's your result?do you know already?
ReplyDeleteAm I really gonna speak here?? hehe...
DeleteI don't wear any blazer, suit, coat, tuxedo, etc...
But my other colleagues did where those during the SI...
To be frank, I did feel nervous when I saw they wear blazers.
They're not just look more confident but also feel confident...
Thanks for your luvly visit :)
hi didi..
ReplyDeletenice one.. sharing your experience.. u interview HR for downstream ke? upstream?? coz each HR has department masing2 kn? and i dulu interview si sume individual x de group masa 2012.. skang ni mcm dah tukar structure plak tgk.
Susa jugak nk jawab nieh...
DeleteSebelum ni mmg specific ek?? Upstream, Downstream..
Ermmm...kalu xsilap, yg interview aritu adalah HR main...
Coz pas interview, dy ade tny nk keje camne, kat mne, etc.
Neway, thx lawat blog teman~~
UTPian? hi junior. doakan seniormu SI next week hahaa
DeleteHi kak...adik doakan moga tenang-tenang aja di sana hendaknya
Terima kasih drop by kat sini~~
So how's your result bro?did petronas HR have been called you?would u mind to share your result here? ;)
ReplyDeleteResult is yet to be confirmed...
DeleteAbout two weeks after the final exam...
I'm not sure about the exact date...
Just do your best bro, they got many vacancies :)
Ooh..thats mean..u r still waiting for the result?am a lil' bit of confusing here..haha~
DeleteWell bro, the title of this entry explains everything...
DeleteIts about the storyline of the whole interview...
Not the result of the interview...hehehe~~ seems like a out of topic..but..let me u got a job right?congratz bro...kekeeke
ReplyDeleteAs I mentioned before, the result is yet to be confirmed...
DeleteFrankly, is my result really bothers you??
Which place would you prefer to work in PETRONAS?
ReplyDeleteIf we send you oversea, would you go?
how did u answer these questions? for example, the first question, did u tell them the specific place u want to work? or just state that u dont mind?
mind to share! hehe. thanks!
This question is hard to answer...
DeleteTo be honest I didn't prepare much on this question. So, I just spontaneously answer those questions.
Which place would you prefer to work in PETRONAS?
"I don't mind being send anywhere. I can work anywhere. But if you give a chance to choose, I would preferably work at Terengganu. I've done my internship there. Plus, I would like to start my career, downstream.
If we send you oversea, would you go?
"I don't mind. I'm up to any challenges"
p/s: hope this answer can help you :)
didiy...SI ni utk amik executive kn???tp position ape ea???coz kalo time interview kite xtau die nk engineer ape susah gak nk tackle hati para interview...haha
ReplyDeleteBerdasarkan beberapa info, SI ni ade mcm2 jenis...
DeleteNamun begitu, apa yang cube dikongsikan di sini adalah SI tuk fresh graduate...
Harap maklum :)
salam diddy,
ReplyDelete27hb sept hari tu saya SI kt pacific regency jgk...alhamdulillah berjaya interview n result interview hari tu jgk lps face-to-face interview tu...lps ni nk medical checkup plak
DeleteAll the best in your journey my friend :)
Salam P. Didiy :)
ReplyDeletecan I get ur email address please :)
aku pernah ikut SI ni dulu tapi gagal.. waktu tu ada 3 study, role play dan competency base interview..sangat tough..4.5hours di dalam pun fail juga..this coming tuesday saya akan sit for 2nd times hopefully smooth. wish me best.
ReplyDeleteHope your dreams come true...!!
DeleteAll the best...!!
Perkongsian yang mebarik. Thank you.
ReplyDelete10 TIPS Merangsang Kehamilan
Terima Kasih...Gembira dapat berkongsi dengan Saudari Adilah~
Deletesalam bro..
ReplyDeletefirst of all gua nk ckp lu punye penerangan paling terbaik.. keep it up!!!
my SI will be on this friday.. im feel nervous right now.. lol
akan interview untuk post exec seeding, downstream.
if im not mistaken, dulu sblom abis intern kt petronas diorang ade listkan nama2 untuk interview ni. so untuk position exec seeding ni ada nama gua je.. so gua mcm risau group presentation ni ade ke x nnti.. haha psal aku dpt interview ni pun GM kt downstream yg suggest kt HR. so u da keje PETRONAS la ni??
Rasenye diorg akan campurkan je dengan mana-mana position lain. So, possibility untuk Role Play still ade. Aku xdapat kerja PETRONAS. Mungkin salah satu sebabnya adalah kerana entry ni. Hang jangan nk buat hal g update sal SI hang plak pasni...haha
Deletehai tuan blog.. nak tanye? SI interview ni tuk position ape yek? mase diberitahu dapat interview ni ade x die bgth position ape, dept and division ape? im asking because saye dapat panggilan interview die siap bgth position, dept sume. Kat petronas bangi. That why i want to ask you whether the technique of the interview is still same or not? Tq..
DeleteDear Fadhilah...
Saya apply tuk fresh grad...tiada position khusus ditawarkan sebelum interview. Maybe interview aw berlainan kerana awak punya pengalaman. Harap membantu.
Terima kasih lawat blog teman...
Salam... nak tanya.. masa interview tu kena fully speak in english ke?
ReplyDeleteGreat sharing! Thank you! :)
ReplyDeletesalam abg..
ReplyDeletesaya nak tanye soalan,,law nak apply kerja petronas nie
mesti kena ade pencapaian ape??
mesti kena ade graduate??
ReplyDeletei got shortlisted for the interview and i found this tips really helpful
my question is, do you get the job ?
Hi..saya cume nak kongsi kekecewaan pengalaman interview dengan petronas..interview untuk lab technician..saya akui saye bukan dari lab thread..dr pengalaman atau pendidikan mmg x sangkut langsung.. tp ble ade kekosongan tu saye try jgak hantar utk cube nasib..tup2 dpt pggilan utk iview..dan saya berjaya. Sebab interview panel tu kate pengalaman keje saya berguna dan di perlukan.mungkin bukan utk lab,sekurg2nye dorg akn adjust masuk bhgian yg buat saye terkilan,selepas 5 bulan hr bgtau approval saye tidak diluluskan oleh senior gm lab tersebut..saya faham mgkin pihak lab tersebut mahu org2 yg btol2 layak bekerja dgn saya rase seperti dipermainkan dan diberi harapan palsu..saya rase kecewa dan malu..
ReplyDeletePayah bonar.....
ReplyDeleteHai.. nak tanya.. saya baru jer dpt iv online utk intern nnti pada hari khamis nie.. adakah utk intern nnti, iv yg dijalankan sama seperti yg diterangkan di atas?